Saturday, October 21, 2006


Best reason to date that G.W. and his administration refuse to protect our borders comes from the Selous Foundation, 325 Penna Ave, SE, Wa.DC, who explain that Texas governor Perry's "toll" road, a "corridor" from Houston to Dallas, actually begins at Laredo , TX. The new NAFTA corridor then continues on to Kansas City, diverts, one lane to Fargo and Canada, the other to Duluth and Canada. Says Selous, "At a time we are being drowned in a sea of illegal aliens and at risk daily from Islamofascist terrorists the Bush Admin. is quietly advancing the construction of a massive superhighway that will all but obliterate our borders with Canada and Mexico... to make it easier for cheqp foreign goods from Asia to be transported from ports in Canada and Mexico into the U.S. ...longterm goal of NAFTA is the dissolution of our borders with Can. and Mex...Canada has banned the death penalty, put heavy restrictions on gun rights, legalized homo marriages, refused to cooperate with US in Iraq and development of a Strategic Defense Initiative, and encouraged U.S. Armed Forces to desert and seek safe haven in Canada. The Perry Corridor in Texas, seemingly a part of the NAFTA Corridor, has infuriated many Texans because the Texas Administration suggested letting a foreign country pay for the toll corridor and control the corridor in Texas.


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